Monday, February 6, 2012

What is the word for "disc jockey" in spanish?

Or a similar word? I looked it up in an actual spanish dictionary, but it is a cognate, exactly as is "disc jockey" and I need it for a mock resume for spanish project. Thanks so much!|||It's the same word, borrowed from English.|||The problem is that the origin of the this 2 modern words comes from english and there's no real translation, the closests might be "el que pone los discos" but it doesn't sound very good.

I suggest you to place it like that (dj) even in spanish.|||We use both "DJ" (with the English pronounciation) and "pinchadiscos" [pinch-ah-disc-oh-s], although the latter might not be used in some countries. Sometimes we also say "disc jockey" (again, with the English pronounciation), but it's uncommon.|||Just "DJ" pronounced in english like DEE-JAY.

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