Thursday, February 9, 2012

Google used to have a language dictionary that would list all of the Spanish words under the cursor of a page.?

When you would read a web site, under the cursor it would give you the Spanish (or whatever language you chose) equivlent.

It was a great way to learn new words, but I changed computers and I don't know how to find that option on Google again.

anyone know?|||Sounds like you need to go into the toolbar/tools and customize.

I don't have a google toolbar on most of my pages, but that sounds like a need one. I'll have to see if Yahoo has it.|||On my computer there's an icon on the Google toolbar that you can click to translate a page. I don't know how great a language learning tool it is, though. Even with a language like Spanish, the translations are often horrible. The further the language is from English, structurally speaking, the worse the gibberish you get back.

You could download the Google toolbar if you haven't already.

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