Friday, February 10, 2012

How Do You Say 'Detainee' in Spanish?

How do you say "detainee" in Spanish? I need to know for a news broadcast project. :)

I already tried an English/Spanish dictionary, but it wasn't there, and I'm not sure how accurate the online translators are. So please only answer if you know for sure. Thanks!|||Detenido??? prisoner?

Prisionero , Detenido, Preso|||detenido is correct according to google language tools|||detener i think thats how you spell it,|||detenido. encarcelado|||detenido is the direct and correct translation, but there are other words that may sound better depending on exactly what you are saying, such as prisionero or acusado.|||For sure it is el detenido. I just heard it used in a news broadcast the other day that was about Gitmo prisoners. Usually used as a plural.. los detenidos.

A female detainee would be Una detenida.|||detenido|||Detenido is correct.

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