Friday, January 27, 2012

How do i change the dictionary language to Spanish for Microsoft word spell check?

Ok i am writing something in spanish and i need spanish grammar and spell check how do i set that

Specs :

Microsoft word

Windows vista ultimateHow do i change the dictionary language to Spanish for Microsoft word spell check?
You didn't mention the version of Word you are using but for Microsoft Word 2003 it involves two steps:

Step 1: Find the "Microsoft Office Tools" folder in your Programs list. If you made the installation by default it should be located in:

Start -%26gt; All Programs -%26gt; Microsoft Office -%26gt; Microsoft Office Tools

And from there open "Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings" and from that window add "Spanish" to the list of languages. If you have Office applications open at this time, you will have close them to apply the changes.

Step 2: Now when using Word you must have notice the language you are using in the task bar of Word (the one at the bottom). To switch to Spanish, you need to:

Tools --%26gt; Language --%26gt; Set Language

And from there select the appropiate Spanish version you need.

As an additional note, if you are using two languages already in Windows (you can check this in the Windows Language Bar) any time you switch languages, Word will automatically follow so that you don't have to set the language every time.

Hope this helps!

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